I want to start with a big, heartfelt thank you to my friend Dan for letting me borrow his comics. They helped motivate this blog.
Dan is an improv actor/stand-up comedian and fellow comic book fan. He's friends, and one time neighbor, with my boyfriend Matt. Having spied several long boxes of comics while visiting his apartment on occasion, I finally asked if I could look through them.
I found a lot of similarities between Dan's collection and my own, like he was my comic book soul mate. I got excited seeing all the comics that I do have, but aren't easily accessible, and ones that I hadn't read before.
Some of the best have been Capt. America, Batman and Detective Comics from the '80s and '90s. Also found nice consecutive issue runs of Action Comics Weekly, Justice League International and a handful of fun Todd MacFarlane Amazing Spider-Man issues.
I'd like to post about most of these comics, we'll just have to see what I actually do though.
Anyway, the reason for the "Dan's Collection" label is hopefully to help me stay organized. Provide a listing of his comics to keep them separate from my own.
I've been collecting comics for 30+ years but most of those books are currently in Kansas City. I do have plans to move them, but that's a task I'm not ready to take on just yet.
I want to thank Matt too, for encouragement, proof-reading and just for being there. Sometimes my thoughts and ideas, along with wording and sentence structure sound better in my head.
This blog wouldn't be quite the same without Dan and Matt - thanks guys.