Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hump Day Heroics with Hostess Cakes

    Starring Batman
In honor of the Academy Awards on Sunday, the Oscar goes to Hostess Cup Cakes.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day - Beware Stranger Danger

I love this cover.
Love Lois' dress and how she's clinging to Superman. Ross Andru and Dick Giordano are awesome.

The story itself I'm not so in love with.

Lois Lane is supposed to be this amazing journalist, an independent woman.

I usually saw her as scheming or trying to trick Superman into loving her.

How does Lois handle Superman being called away on an emergency instead of continuing with their date?
I think rather selfishly, and she almost gets burned. Literally.

Lois, I'm not sure its a good idea to take rides from strangers.
He is handsome and has a limo. What could be the danger?

Now once Superman does arrive, after handling the crisis and flying back to meet you, it might be nice to let him know how happy you are to see him. 
Or you can play games and try to make him jealous. It's just harmless flirting. Right?

Okay, your an adult, making adult decisions.
And Superman is a peeping-tom.

Lois, are you on a date with Erik Estrada?
This has gotten completely out of hand. 
You only wanted to make Superman jealous, not have your apartment set on fire by some creep in a tux

In the end though, its all worth it, isn't it Lois?
You got the kiss you'd been looking for all night.

Happy Valentine's Day, and may you get the kiss you've been looking for too.

Action Comics #520 June 1981
Writer: Gerry Conway
Artist: Curt Swan / Frank Chiaramonte

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hump Day Heroics with Hostess Cakes

"The Champ" 
  Starring Spider-Man
Counting can be dangerous to your health, eat Hostess Cupcakes instead.