Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hump Day Heroics With Hostess Cakes

"Ultimate Weapon"
    Starring the Thing
  Hostess Fruit Pies - "Better than fighting"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Flash Fact: Crack may be whack, but speed can kill

After the Earths shattering events of the Crisis, Wally West - carrying on for his fallen mentor Barry Allen - becomes the Flash.

Wally started his superhero career as Kid Flash in Flash #110. Oddly enough he was struck by lightning and the same chemicals that had changed Barry into the Flash.

No matter how old we are (Wally is only 20?), we still want our mother's love and approval.
Even when it's difficult to get.

Considering the relationship between mom and son, I'm not surprised about the one she has with Wally's girlfriend Tina. 
Not the most grown-up or adult way of handling the situation, but that's what this series seemed to be about - the maturing of Wally West, into adulthood and into the role of hero as the Flash.

Okay, enough family drama, this is a superhero comic. Where are the bad guys? Who is the villain?

How's this for a villainous bad guy - the vile Vandal Savage.
Vandal is allegedly a cro-magnon who was given immortality and immense intelligence. 

He started out fighting the Justice Society of America during World War II. Since then he has randomly popped up around the DC Universe. Usually looking for a way to rule the world while using death and destruction as amusement. 

He's resurfaced this time targeting a very specific group. 
HaHa! Wall Street and yuppies. Oh the '80s. 

Vandal has decided to use their drug-of-choice, Velocity 9, against them. The drug gives its users temporary Flash like super-speed. 
With great power does not always come great responsibility. 

There are some very serious side effects to Velocity 9. It can be highly addictive and ravage the users body. 
It can also lead to a painful and grotesque death. 
Sounds like the perfect drug for Savage to be pushing. He's able to cause limitless damage without actually getting his hands dirty. 

Vandal is willing to take a more hands-on approach when it comes to the Flash though. 
If Velocity 9 gives you super-speed, what will it do if you already have super-speed?  
Hopefully that was only a small dose, I don't think Central City could have handled more. 

Add another side effect to Velocity 9.
Thanks to an enhanced metabolism, the drug may have burned quickly through Wally's body, but it also seems to have burned out his super-speed. 

Even without his powers, Wally shows what a true hero he is and that he is worthy of being called The Flash. 
Vandal Savage may be defeated, but Velocity 9 isn't so easily kicked. 

After feeling the speed and power Velocity 9 provided, some decide they can not live without it. 
Others decide differently. 

Using what Velocity 9 he has left, this addict has a message for Wally. 
He may have defeated Vandal Savage, but not without a price. It has left Wally powerless, vulnerable and now beaten by his own powers. 

That scene was depicted brilliantly on the cover. It makes you want to read this issue. 
Honestly the cover is the main reason for this posting - I had to share it. George Perez is such an amazing artist. The way he drew the Flash impostor, he looks so terrifyingly evil and you can feel the speed and power behind the punches. Wow! 

This Flash series ran for over 200 issues, not all of them great, but most of them pretty damn enjoyable. Wally West is currently MIA in the new 52 DC Universe, but his return is looked forward to by many fans, including me. 

Flash #12, 14, 15
Writer: #12 , 14 Mike Baron; #15 William Messner-Loebs
Artist: #12,14 Mike Collins; #15 Greg LaRocque 
May, July, August  1988 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hump Day Heroics with Hostess Cakes

"The League of Assassins"
        Starring Batman
Holy Twinkies defense Batman!