Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Catching up with the Flash

Dear Comic Companies - If you are going to have a story re-cap page, skip the text, follow this example, and show me.

This isn't even at the beginning of the comic. 
It's a mail-order subscription ad for the Flash comic, $4.00 for 12 issues. Sounds like a deal to me!

Poor Iris.

The Flash on Angel Dust?

It sets up Flash #277, with Flash on the JLA satellite battling his teammates.
Awesome! Wonder Woman to the rescue!

Luckily Flash's super-metabolism helps his body deal with the effects of the drugs. 
He's able to recover without any adverse side-effects. 

It's what comes next that's the hard part.

The funeral for Iris West Allen.
Wally in tears, the heroes in their secret identities. What a powerful and moving scene.

The cover is drawn by comic legend Dick Giordano. His art was amazing and I love these kind of covers - The hero facing off against a look-alike.
Is there really another Flash?

No, it's what I like to call, the bait-and-switch cover.
It kinda matches an actual element of the story.
Mirror trap? That must mean Mirror Master.

I like the Flash's Rogues Gallery, but I thought after all the great stuff in the beginning, seeing Flash fight against Mirror Master was the weak spot in the book.

The issue wraps up with Barry deciding to give up being the Flash.
It's a familiar story trope, just like throwing your ring or costume in the trash.

Of course Barry realizes that he can't just quit.
The Flash is needed, people depend on him, and he's here to stay!

The End!


Cary Bates and Alex Saviuk pack a lot of story and visuals into 17 pages. This is one of the things I love about these older comics, a lot happens in one issue. Just the way it should be too.

Flash #277 Sept, 1979
Writer: Cary Bates
Artist: Alex Saviuk/Frank McLaughlin

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