Thursday, May 2, 2013

That's Who? Who's Who Thursday - Quicksilver

Costuming looks like Max Mercury
Possible name change?

Art: Murphy Anderson 


  1. Quicksilver was a Quality Comic Group character from the 40's, and was drawn oddly enough by Nicholas Viscardi... Nick Cardy (name change to sound more American). Dc Comics bought out the Quality company running only the Blackhawks in the 1950's then in 1973, creating the Freedom Fighters with 7 of the big name heroes. When DC finally used Quicksilver... well you know Marvel used that name in the 60's X-Men book so now we have Max Mercury. Thanks for posting that page by Murphy Anderson, one of my favs!

  2. Thanks for the info! Guess that explains why he looks like Max. Marvel, always snatching up names and getting in DC's way.
